Template editor

Raising your game starts with a template

AuditBranch is an inspection, issue capture and corrective action platform for teams to boost productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction

Convert your forms

Turn your existing PDF, Excel, Word or paper templates into Audit-Branch mobile friendly templates. If you have any difficulties, contact us for assistance.

Adapt a template

Choose one of our industry standard templates and adapt it to your needs.

Create a new template

Easily create a smart template from scratch using our intuitive, drag-and-drop template builder. Choose from multiple response types including checkboxes, multiple choice, and signature fields.

Make inspections easy

Take the guesswork out of inspections by showing your team exactly what type of answer you want. Add logic so only the questions that need to be answered show up, and enable repeated sections so inspectors can use the same set of questions as many times as they need to when inspecting different items.

Customize your templates to get the information you need

AuditBranch allows you to set different response types for your template including multiple choice, text answers, checkboxes, and more. You can also include instructions and reference photos to ensure your team knows what to look out for.

Get everyone on the same page

Automatic syncing ensures that template updates are automatically rolled out to all users so inspections across all sites follow the same standard.